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i keep on wandering in the valley of dreams ..
The Sweet Lover


Magdalena Ho Shi Yun
20th May 1988
TP - HR & Tourism (Business)
it's all about you honey bunny.

Daisypath Next Aniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wishes Came True....
-Gucci Wallet
-Gucci Joy Medium Tote Bag
-Ralph Lauren L/S Shirts
-Ralph Lauren Polo Big Horse
-Kate Spade Tote Bag
-Kate Spade Accessories Pouch
-Black Agnes b. Bag
-Purple Chiffon Ruffles Top
-Vintage Polka Dots Dress
-Bronze Flats
-Leopardize Chiffon Top
-Body Shop Fruity Lotions
-White & Navy Blue Intimates
-Longchamp Bag
-UniQlo Spags

More Wishes....
-Black Agnes b. T-Shirt
-White Boxershorts
-More Dresses
-More Tops

Things To Do...
-Mani&Pedi 10/06
-Make Appt for Waxing
-Eyebrow Trimming
-Make Appt for Facial
-Continue Learning Driving
-Continue Learning Piano
-Find Part-Time Job
-Perm Hair & Treatment
-Dye Hair to Natural Colour
-Attend "Studying in Aust" Talk, 30/05

Speak to my heart

Talk to me, Folks. :D


Designer: Siti :D
Inspiration: %PURPUR.black-
Image Icons: Deviantart

Friday, August 21, 2009 @ 8/21/2009 09:31:00 AM

Is it true that problems can just be forgotten overnight?

Love can be painful at times.
Sometimes the pain can't be seen.
Unseemingly, no one care about how you feel.

All you can do to relieve yourself is, cry.
Crying your hearts out to the pillow.
Fellow friends who are in the same boat understands you.

;Crying for your love

Nothing on earth beats appreciation and security.
What is love without security and appreciation?
What is love that is filled with supression of the feelings?
What is love that brings you inferiority?
What is love when you know it brings you nowhere in this world?
What is love when it is all about just superficial appearance?

Love have taught me that it is more than what I have initially thought to be.

I'm still in the midst of being moulded by love.

Although love may be painful, who can live without loving?


iPhone & DSLR !

Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 7/30/2009 11:49:00 AM

I want that iPhone and DSLR.
I just love the games in the iPhone applications. HAHA!
iPhone - I buy
DSLR - Daddy buy
I hope I can get it.
I've been hoping for it for so long already.
Now, I'm more persistent in getting it!
Everything is fine so far.
I think not too bad.
Although having difficulties coping in the industry.
As for BF, I think he is coping well in NS too.
I'm also coping well without him.
Had been having lots of fun meeting up with girlies.
Dinner for Leslie's bookout with girlies and guowei on Monday.
The food was not too bad, Sashimi was good, fruit tarts were EXCELLENT!
Mahjong with the girlies on wednesday.
Today going for my Mani&Pedi, like, finally!
As for tmr, hoping that BF will bookout. So I can meet him! (:
If not, then will have to wait till saturday then we can meet.
Anyway, I have lots of craving this few weeks.
1. Spicy Steamboat
2. Shaker Fries
3. Fruit Tart!!
4. Bakerzin Cheesecake
5. Durian Puffs
All the sinful yet delicious food; my cravings (:
Have been having problems sleeping well.
Woke up a few times in the middle of the night.
And I "think" I answered a phonecall from i-dunno-who.
And he spoke to me in wierd language. Like german or spanish.
I'm still in my sleepy-mode, I just hung him up.
Gonna buy 4D and see if "he" will give me an iPhone! :D
*high hopes*
Lack of sleep has been causing me to be moody and emo.
Flu is coming too.
Bye! Ciao!
Hoping my day will end well, cos ytd was a crappy day.

*5years 4months, baby*

Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 7/11/2009 01:23:00 PM

Happy 5years 4mths, Baby! (:

Soldier Lim is serving the country.

Baby has been in army for 3days.
I'm missin' him.
I haven't cried, but sometimes I get teary eyes.
He has been callin me everynight since the day he enlisted.
He'll be there till 24th july.
Anticipating for the day he book out!
Excited can.. hee.

A joke to share with you..
Me: "Darling, rmb to dry ur hair before slping......"
Bf: "I got no hair how to dry my hair?....."
Lol. Wad a joke, man!

This morning I woke up by a msg,
It's baby's msg!!!
I was so happy tht I teared. So touched.
He wished me Happy 5yrs 4mths.
HAPPY!! ((:

I'm starting work this coming monday.
After work, going drinking with colleagues and bosses.
Work from 9am to 6pm at Tampines Safra area.
But I still love my slacker life.
Have to meet up with lynn, yq and kelly soon.
Before their school term starts.
Wanna play mahjong anot?
Next week have to meet up with Jaymee too. (:
Need to catch up with her over dinner.

Ytd I went out alone.
To do my university stuff.
I went to FEP to buy Cheesy Curry Chicken.
Headed to Peninsular,
To collect BF and my graduation photos.
Our photos look good!
I'm gonna print BF's birthday photos too.
Gonna meet aunty then pass her the photos.
Aunty is so sad that BF goes into NS.
Cheer up, aunty~
After collecting our photos,
I headed to Raffles City S.C to buy shoes.
Bought 3pairs. lol.
I love 'em all
It is for my work. hee.
Went to bugis to shop and slack.
Still looking for a nice, plain denim vest,
tht doesnt look so cheapo and rugged.
Had cellgroup after tht and headed home!
Slept early.
Gotta get used to sleeping early and waking up early.
If not i'm gonna suffer when i'm in working life.

Going to TPY alr.
To print pictures and buy books.
Bye, folks.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009 @ 7/08/2009 01:49:00 AM

My Boy is going to serve the nation tmr morning.
It's a good training for him; To be a MAN! hee.
From this, he'll soon become more mature and independent.
Also, this in a way means he'll be protecting me and his family from enemies. (:

Don't worry, boy.
It's not the end of the world.
We can still meet during weekends.
Even if I'm not in Singapore next time.
Sat n Sun we can webcam! (:
Just tht weekday we can't talk on phone.
Hope we can go through all these together.
After we go through all these 'thick and thin' stuff, our relationship will become stronger.
And, we will have lotsa stories to say abt our relationship.
*embracing every moment*

Take Care, Boy.

Somethings just can't be changed...

Sunday, July 05, 2009 @ 7/05/2009 01:51:00 AM

My mind is a whirlwind now.
So confused.
In a dilemma.
Emotional vs Logical.
Which will I choose?
I'm a very Emotional person, tht's why it's difficult for me to make decisions logically.
I tend to get my feelings involved.
Which is my weakest point. sigh.
Thus, caused me prolonged sadness.
Suddenly, I noe what it means to be persecuted.
You will feel so sad and hurt;
Tht no one is siding you.
Tht no one knows how you're feeling inside.
Tht you don't feel any security and stability.
Painfully I accepted it.
Sadly I bore it.
Hurtfully I see him agreed to it.
And from tht moment, I know everything is made known to me.
It has helped me come to a decision.
It is a painful decision, but probably a right decision,
which is best for everyone.
I don't know how to let my feelings out.
There is nowhere I can vent it.
I don't want to vent it on others.
And I know crying to myself doesn't work.
Suddenly, I feel tht I need nature.
The sea.
The wind.
The rain.
It's time for me to hit the seaside.
To let go my distress.
I just wanna get busy with my own things.
Dye my hair.
Perm my hair.
And soon, I'll work. (:
I wanna withdraw from the world.
To live in my dreams,
with no worries,
no sorrow,
no anger,
no pain.
But laughters and happiness only.
(: magdalena (:

Reality Hurts

Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 6/18/2009 11:14:00 PM

Thursday. 18th June 2009
Woke up early to practice piano cos I thought I'll be out the whole day.
Was so happy when he called.
Was so happy that I'm going out today.
Was so excited to go shopping today.
But it didnt turn out well.
It's my fault?
Alright, my fault then....
While he was cutting his hair, I binge myself with chocolate to make me happier.
I ate the humble pie.
But things didnt progress better.
I guess he wasn't happy with his haircut.
So, he was angry again.
Then I think it's a better option to go back home.
To home we headed.
HAA. Wad a joke.. Went town for 2hours only.
Emotional. Controlled my tears.
I'm doing a great job by not bursting out in tears.
Continued to control my tears till I walk home.
It just stream down.
I just wipe away.
I find myself so foolish to be sad over it.
So, I told myself not to think about it anymore.
Cast everything aside.
The moment I reach home, I quickly turn on my comp; PLAY NEOPETS!
Had my first meal of the day at 7pm.
I guess, i'm tired of everything. Went to slp straight aft that.
Slept till 10pm.
Maybe it's better for us to cool down before meeting again.
Anyway, I'll be leaving for church camp tmr morning. Hee.
Gonna enjoy a spa treatment there with Cheryl.
Enjoy myself before coming back to reality.
Wednesday, 17th June 2009
My date with GFs at Vivo was wonderful! (:
We had Sushi Tei for dinner.
Still the same, I ordered Sukiyaki. Hee.
It's delicious! Esp. the soup. Jaymee love the soup lots.
So do I. :D
We went through a lot before we're back together again.
I'll really treasure this friendship.
Aft dinner, we go window shopping!
We were trying to fit all the baby clothes on Pris,
and all the baby shoes on Rox. LOL.
Baby stuff are so cute. :)
In future, I'll give the best to my kids. Hee.
Bought a Sour, Sour Lemon Lime Long Candy.
First time eating it, and it's super nice.
I think Rox's flavour is nicer; Sour Green Apple.
Went up to the rooftop to slack and enjoy the wind.
It's so cooling up there.
Took pictures together and we had a great time there.
Rox and I were trying to think of Yoga poses to do. LOL.
It brings back my Yoga memories.
And suddenly I felt like doing Hot Yoga!
But my church said it's again christianity. Sigh. :(

Arriving Tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009 @ 6/09/2009 04:05:00 PM

Hmm.. I guess I'm quite excited he'll be back tmr..
But I didn't hear from him AT ALL since he flew off to Indon.
Forgot abt me le bah.. *cries*
Oh well, don't brood over it anymore.

Jus had lunch at Tao's Restaurant with my siblings. Nice!
I love their tea! Superb!
Have the urge to buy a teapot and do it for myself at home. hehe..
*Bloated* -grins-

Tmr will be a pack day for ME, and yes, totally for ME. And I love busy days!
1.) Dentist
2.) Beauty Therapy
3.) Food Therapy

1.) Facial
2.) Mani & Pedi
3.) Continue Driving!!! -sian-
4.) Apply for Aust uni
5.) Enquire DSLR price @ Sim Lim
6.) Buy Present for BoyF's 21st B'day

It's impossible. It's pointless. Stop thinking. Stop dreaming.
It'll never happen. Just envy. Just see. Just hear.
But don't bother.